Download Basic English Grammar Book for Students PDF File Grammar is a set of rules that explain how words are used in a language. Words are classified into parts of speech such as NOUNS, PRONOUNS, ADJECTIVES, VERBS, ADVERBS, PREPOSITIONS, CONJUCTIONS, and INTERJENCTIONS. Some words belong to more than one part of speech depending on how […]
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Tag: Conjunctions
CONJUNCTIONS Definition Types of Conjunctions COORDINATING CONJUNCTIONS SUBORDINATING CONJUNCTIONS CORRELATIVE CONJUNCTIONS Download Basic English Grammar Book for Students PDF File CONJUNCTIONS Definition: A conjunction (abbreviated conj or cnj) is a part of speech that connects words, sentences, phrases, or clauses. Conjunctions link (connect, conjoin) parts of a sentence. The most common conjunctions are and, or, and but. EXAMPLE: My boots look great but are not very comfortable. Are […]