Unit 1 covers the following concepts:
- add and subtract numbers up to 20
- add three or four numbers
- find partners and totals
- write equations for math mountains
- tell if numbers are odd or even (why?)
- understand doubles facts
- solve one-step word problems
- solve two-step word problems
- draw comparison bars
- explain my thinking clearly when I write so a reader can understand my math thinking
Tap/click the following links to print math tests from Unit 1:
1. Grade2 – Unit 1 Test 1 (pdf)
2. Grade2 – Unit 1, Test 2 (pdf)
3. Grade2- Unit 1, Test 3 (pdf)
4. Grade 2 – Unit 1,Test 4 (pdf)
Unit 2 covers the following concepts:
- read and write numbers to 200 using pictures, number names, expanded form, flats, longs and cubes (hundred boxes, ten sticks, and circles)
- compare numbers with >, < and =
- add two digit numbers
- add three addends
- add four addends
- count by 5
- add coins
- show different combinations of coins
- make proof drawings
- explain my thinking
Tap/ click the following links to print math test from Unit 2:
1. Math Unit 2 (2nd grade)- Test 1