The option to record narration (voice recording) within an app has been affected by new safety protocol introduced with iOS7, and continued to be used with all the following operating systems by Apple. AtReks apps mostly hit by the changes are spelling apps in which a user is offered an option to create his own spelling words (type in a word and record his voice):

1. Build A Word – Easy Spelling – Learn to Spell Sight Words, Long Vowel and Short Vowel Words

2. Build A Word Express – Practice spelling and learn letter sounds and names

3. Classroom Spelling

Below is an explanation why it happens and a step-by-step instruction how to activate your microphone to enable voice recording.

When a user first tries to record his voice using an app, he is asked if he wants to allow this particular app to use a microphone. In case the user taps NO without much pondering over it, the microphone is disabled in the app. This means no voice recording is ever possible with this app. However, the user can still activate the microphone if he goes to SETTINGS.

Here are five steps to help you with voice recording issue:




4. Swipe button next to the app left to right so the button becomes green. (gray button means MIC is OFF, green button means MIC is ON)


5 steps to help you with voice recording on iOS7

5 steps to help you with voice recording on iOS7

Here is a set of instructions on how to best use @Reks spelling apps:

  1. How to create custom spelling lists?
  2. How do I add new words / delete old words in my custom spelling list?
  3. How do I share custom made spelling lists with other iPads, iPhones, iPod Touches?
  4. The Recording Time in Build A Word Easy Spelling App is Too Long. How do I deal with the noise?
  5. Recording Narration Using Spelling App on iOS7 – Troubleshooting